Thursday, June 17, 2010

my doubleS is back!!

td mase tgk entertainment weekly , ade stowi pasal doubleS.
perghh. mane xgile. smart gilew!! downg wt come back. arghh. da lame xtgk mereke performe.
besyukur gile tegerak hati nk tgk stowi tu. huh , alhmdulilah.
y i like this double S like heaven?
actually cause it shows that they really wanted to be a singer and everybody knows that
being a singer are theirs dream.
and it obiously tepampang kat situ. and i think they not too focus
on being popular. they just want people accept them as they are , their music n bakat mereke. seriously. thats what i like about them.
hope they keep it up and saranghae! <3 (^_^)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

xingat password!!

bagai nk gile aku. da macam kucing hilang anak.
adeh. xingat password dowh. huu~ email p0ng xingat. semue invaild. SENGAL!
da memacm email aku try. huh. naseb baek ingat. alhamdulilah.
and da reset password bawu da.
weyh weyh , aku taip niew smbail dengar lagu syahir au.